In the line of our interest for environment Forever Blue is relaying some interesting informations from other organisations that will help you keep track of the major actions going on around the planet.
Therefore, as 2009 is around the corner, we have chosen to relay an information coming from the "let the sharks Live" network
As the hands of the clock approach midnight for sharks, organizations working for their protection have joined forces in a global communication network named Let Sharks Live, and declared 2009 The International Year of the Shark. The
Recent findings of the Global Shark Assessment indicate that at current rates of decline, extinction of the most threatened species of shark is forecast in 10 to 15 years. In large regions, species that were once numerous have fallen to 1% of their original numbers, in a massacre comparable to that of the buffalo on the North American plains 200 years ago,
Studies of oceanic sharks estimate 80 to 90% of heavily fished species are gone. Yet these intelligent animals, also
“The oceans have evolved over hundreds of millions of years with sharks as apex predators, so their loss will destroy
Some of the issues to be addressed include:
● Convincing the consumers of shark fin soup that shark finning is unsustainable and that the dish must be
● Educating the public regarding the true nature of sharks and their threatened status, to counter the effects
● Obtaining protection for threatened species
● Solving the problem of the slaughter resulting from the use of shark nets and drum lines, used to protect beaches in some areas
● Reducing bycatch losses, and the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) limits defined in fisheries law
● Promoting marine protected areas, and enforcing protection of sharks within existing ones.
● Persuading shark fishermen to practise tag and release only, rather than killing the sharks they fish.
The threats sharks face in this modern world of human domination are daunting. The enormous scale of
"Our goal is to see the retreat of these magnificent animals from extinction's horizon." says Alex Buttigieg, cofounder
For further information, please contact:
Alex Buttigieg,(sharkmanab@gmail.com)
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